Q: Who can benefit from an Assisted Stretch Therapy Session ?

A: Anyone with a body. Our clients vary from Professional Athletes to Elderly Individuals.

Q: What should I wear to my Stretch Session appointment?

A: Loose fitting, athletic clothing will allow you to receive the full benefits of the Stretch Session.

Q: Can I just walk in for a Stretch Session during business hours?

A: No, our Stretch Sessions are available by appointment only.

Q: Where are you located?

A: 2720 Sisson Street Baltimore, MD inside of MissionFit 

Q: I've had XYZ pain for almost XYZ years. Can you help me ?

A: Although we've assisted a variety of individuals with varying issues and concerns your specific need is important to us. Give us a call today at (301) 408-9457 for a free phone consultation.